As we are diving into this conversation of the Female Business and learning how this affects not only our businesses but our lives too. Recently I've been exploring Enneagrams - a tool that allows us to uncover underlying motivations that drive many decisions we make in life! It has been fascinating to me to dive into different tools and become aware of things that I think I was asleep too. The more we understand and are aware of ourselves, the more compassion and empathy we can have for others. In the Female Business arena, it is important to make sure we are having conversations that bring more depth and understanding of ourselves and each other. If you missed last week's first Female Manifester, where we focused on Mindfulness and we did a Body Scan, I encourage you to check it out. These exercises are things you can bring into your life and business that will make a difference in your mindset, which we all know makes the most significant difference overall. We are continuing to have these every Tuesday (except this week due to Valentine's day, it will be on Monday.) We will be talking and doing activities together that help you to become aware of things in your life. If you have a resource or tool that you use, I would love to hear about it.

Posted by Heidi Mummau at 2023-02-10 18:04:22 UTC