I take one step forward and two steps back. . I have heard this saying many times. Sometimes from myself (not anymore) but more so from others. When asked why or what is going on? The answer is there is.... this little voice inside my head that keeps telling me ________________ (fill in the blank). . That little voice is your inner critic keeping you in your comfort zone. Pulling you deeper into a hole so you can’t escape like crabs in a bucket. . There are two things to do. First, fire your inner critic. . In your Mind’s eye make that inner critic a small ornament-like figure that sits on your table. . Next, take away the color and make it black and white. . Now take it and put that small black and white ornament on a shelf in a closet and close the door. You will still hear it cry out every now and then, but you will be able to ignore it because you are going to, second, Hire your inner coach. . That inner coach is going to be more encouraging, strengthening, and pushing you to do better every day. . Your inner coach is going to be as big as you are, in living color and walking beside you. . it is going to help you seek out those that will help you on your way. Those that will bring joy, love, growth into your life. . Now you can take baby steps forward every day. . Now you need to change your story, set outcomes, and take real action. . If you need help with this, contact me.
Posted by Baxter Cribbs at 2022-01-11 04:20:51 UTC