It's easy to learn quickly... it's hard to implement, make mistakes and keep going. Everyone is excited the first few days and maybe even months when they start something new. It's easy to consume information, training, and more information. It's like you stood in front of the fire hose and turned it on because you couldn't get enough information fast enough. And then you bitch that you are overwhelmed and confused and you still haven't turned off the fire hose. You left it running.... Education is not a race. It's not going anywhere. It's not going to disappear. There is no competition in education because learning is unique to you. Go ahead and turn off the fire hose. Step back and implement your knowledge. Take the training in bite size chunks. Trust yourself to make mistakes and live through them. The speed of your success is moving slowly through the training, implementing, and asking questions along the way. We spend years in school learning how to add and subtract. And then we add multiplication and division. It didn't happen all at once. The purpose of this... learning is an ongoing life experience.

Posted by Chef Katrina at 2022-02-26 22:53:29 UTC